Do you need to apply or renew your ITIN? You still can.
Jack & Dot Taxes is an IRS Certifying Acceptance Agent which means you WON'T have to send your ORIGINAL Passport, Birth Certificate to the IRS with us. We understand that NOBODY wants to live without their ID for weeks. Come visit us soon! info@jackndot.com 904-647-4512 accountant#cpa #jacksonvillefl #sanmarco #taxrefund #taxreturn #cheaptaxes#blingbling #money #incometax #taxrefund #jacksonvillefl #cpa#smallbusinesstaxes #irs #sanmarcostrong #irsaudit #irsdebt#businesstaxes #taxtime #blingbling #taxdeductions #offerincompromise#irsbankruptcy #taxdebtnegotiations #Bookkeeper #taxservices #taxrefund